Melodie Group - Seven Songs
/ July 2000

Melodie Group - Seven Songs
/ July 2000
Melodie Group is an evolving project of The Windmills vocalist and guitarist Roy Thirlwall and the perfect outlet for his never-ending creative energies. The band's six-track debut is entitled Seven Songs and features a timeless mix of strummed and jangled guitars, superb vocals, and pure pop melodies on songs about wild dreams, granny dresses, skindiving, suits of armour, French trousers, and swimming pools. With comparisons to early Lloyd Cole, the Go Betweens and Felt, this mini-CD is not to be missed.
- Wildest Dream
- Skin Dive
- Granny Dress
- Callow Fellow
- Jean Genet
- Swimming Pool
Lusciously paced and with perfectly spaced sounds kissing and dancing in the smoke screen of 1950's cinemas, these songs are the kinds of songs made by, say, Arco in a slightly better mood, or East Village covering the softest songs of Felt. 'Skin Dive' in particular is a delight of slo-motion Hockney swimming pools in the dead of night; Philip Marlowe sitting alone smoking a cigarette and watching the ocean crash on rocks. Divine. --Tangents
An unexpected and delicious treat as the bloke out of the Windmills decamps to a Clapham studio and regales us with six (sic) indie/pop nuggets delivered in dulcet, low and oh-so-wry tones. This is, I can't help thinking, the sort of quality that Shinkansen should be coming up with rather more regularly than "occasionally", but I'd better not put that in writing. Ook... --In Love With These Times In Spite Of These Times
Terrific!! Acoustic strum lies beneath bright, jangly, reverby guitars, joined still by dreamy lead guitar and warm, low-key and wonderful male vocals. --Twee Kitten
Laid-back low-key jangling gorgeousities from London combo with lazy production assistance from Crash man Bill Carey. It's actually a little Crashesque - okay by me and you. --Chickfactor
The Melodie Group reminded me a bit of the more pensive moments of the Go-Betweens, complete with lyrics of paranoid love (listen to "Granny Dress") and gentle melodies. In the past few years (I'd never heard anything by any of his bands til a few years ago) Roy has proved himself to be in the upper crust of pop songwriters. --Dagger
First release from this (side?) project of Roy Thirlwall of the Windmills. As the band's name would imply, this is very melodic. I'd liken them to middle-era Orchids, with gentle male vocals and mostly mid-tempo songs. I'm told this is the tip of the iceberg for Melodie Group greatness. --IndiePages
Beautiful laid-back and timeless guitar-pop. --Mind The Gap
Roy Thirlwall, singer/guitarist with The Windmills is also in Melodie Group, who have a CD out on Matinée called Seven Songs. This is also 80s sounding indiepop that Windmills fans are sure to like. Wildest Dream is also reminiscent of The Spanish Amanda. --Aquamarine
Si hace unas semanas hablábamos de The Visitors, ahora toca hacerlo de otros dos proyectos auspiciados por Matinée Recordings, igualmente influidos por el sonido independiente de los 80, pero ahora sin necesidad de recurrir a la arqueología: los británicos The Windmills y Melodie Group son proyectos vivos. Pese a ello, el primer single de los primeros data del año 88, pero gracias al esfuerzo del sello de Washington han reactivado su carrera primero con un single ("Three Sixty Degrees") y luego con "Edge Of August", doce canciones de ahora que parecen robadas al tiempo, que podr¡an estar bendecidas por The Go-Betweens o el primer Lloyd Cole, honestas combinaciones de indiepop incombustible.
Vorig jaar bracht Matinée de CD Sunlight uit van The Windmills, een Britse band die al jaren bastaat, maar slechts af en toe wat uitbrengt. The Melodie Group is de andere band van Windmills-zanger Roy Thirwall en wie de Windmills goed vindt zal dit zeker ook waarderen en andersom. Deze mini-CD telt zes (!) rustige, melodieuze (hoe kan het ook anders) poliedjes die vooral aan The Go-Betweens doen denken, hoewel het wat vlakke (maar daardoor zeker niet slechte) geluid ook wel wat weg heeft van The Bartlebees. Leuk! --Think Small