Red Sleeping Beauty - Summer House EP

matda034  /  June 2024
Red Sleeping Beauty - Summer House EP
digital   $2.50

Red Sleeping Beauty - Summer House EP

matda034  /  June 2024

The second compilation of the ace song-of-the-month series by Swedish legends Red Sleeping Beauty is the 'Summer House' EP. The title track is a melodic gem with moody keyboards and a stunningly memorable chorus, while ‘New York, New Me’ is a long-lost 80s club hit not unlike an early Depeche Mode or Pet Shop Boys classic, and ‘If I’d Show You My Heart’ concludes the EP layering gently strummed guitars and keyboards in beautiful fragility. 

  1. Summer House
  2. New York, New Me
  3. If I'd Show You My Heart


It’s the start of the month, so that means we get to celebrate a new tune from Red Sleeping Beauty, as they continue with their “One Single a Month” series. This go round, the band are delving into a more sedate version of synth pop, as they’ve peeled back the upbeat nature to replace it with a wash of atmosphere and a shining piano line. Going about it in this manner allows the listener to sink into the tune, maybe even cozy up on the couch as you dive into the listen. And, in the end, you’re rewarded with delighting vocal melodies, which really seem to be the band’s bread-and-butter going forward. Bonus news for those collectors is you can grab this tune on the Summer House EP, which you can order from Matinée Recordings. Austin Town Hall

Segundo EP de la serie “Song-of-the-month” a cargo de este fabuloso trío sueco formado por Niklas Angergård, Kristina Borg y Mikael Matsson. Tres luminosas canciones de adorable synth-pop con cierto aire ochentero, que musicalmente resultan un cruce entre Depeche Mode, Pet Shop Boys, White Town, y Azure Blue. —El Planeta Amarillo