Strawberry Whiplash - Press 4 For Love

Strawberry Whiplash - Press 4 For Love
First release in five years from Scottish pop purists Strawberry Whiplash! 'Press 4 for Love' is an exquisitely structured dose of perfect pop with jangling Rickenbacker guitars, stop-start rhythms, and Sandra’s sweet-as-sunshine vocals, while 'A Rainy Day In Glasgow'—a forgotten classic leftover from the 'Hits In The Car' recording sessions—is a car journey through the band's rainy and grey hometown.
- Press 4 For Love
- A Rainy Day In Glasgow
It’s been nearly five years since we last heard from Strawberry Whiplash, but I have a feeling all those indiepop folks out there are going to be clamoring for more. Almost immediately, those crisp guitar notes turn from slight jangle to pace-car, locking the song in this bounding rhythm, occasionally broken up by the return of those crystalline guitar notes. Still, the song wouldn’t be complete without those melodic vocal notes that bring us back to the sugary pop of the early days of rock n’ roll. For some reason, this song just makes me feel like running about on a playground with a giant lollipop in my mouth! Sweet and fun. The digital single is available via Matinée Recordings. And, word is, this single is signs of new things to come, with a fresh LP promised for the new year! --Austin Town Hall
Today saw the release of the first Strawberry Whiplash! material for five years. 'Press 4 For Love' is a jangling 1960’s inspired indie-pop effort and is backed with 'A Rainy Day In Glasgow'. That track was originally left over from the sessions for the band’s 2015 album 'Hits In The Car'. An album is due to follow next year. 'Press 4 For Love' is out now digitally in mp3 format from the label. --Records I Like
It has been a long five years without new music for our Glasgow friends Strawberry Whiplash, but they are back in fine style with Sandra's sweet vocals and Laz McCluskey's Rickenbacker on the two-track single "Press 4 For Love" / "A Rainy Day In Glasgow". This duo has always offered the perfect blend of twee pop and Creation Records fuzz, all embellished by the aforementioned jangle machine. The single is available now via Matinée Recordings. Welcome back Laz and Sandra! --When You Motor Away
Laz has kept us busy recording as Bubblegum Lemonade, but it's shocking to read it has been five long years since his band with Sandra, Strawberry Whiplash, has had something in the new-release rack. The Scottish duo have promised a new album in 2021, and bouncy single "Press 4 for Love" indicates they aren't planning to fuck with their seasoned fuzz-pop formula. Good news for us. Make sure to take time out for 'Hits in the Car' outtake "A Rainy Day In Glasgow" too. Only an album that good could have kept this gem off the tracklist. --Linear Tracking Lives
Otra visita a Escocia, donde siempre nos dejamos envolver por su luminoso pop guitarrero, en esta ocasión por parte de Strawberry Whiplash, un atractivo dúo indie pop procedente de Glasgow y compuesto por el inquieto Laz McCluskey, creador también de Bubblegum Lemonade (otra estimulante propuesta musical que ya destacamos el año pasado en Velvety), junto a la vocalista Sandra McCluskey. Tras cinco años de silencio la pareja escocesa, en activo desde 2007, vuelve con otra gema pop editada a través del recomendable sello californiano Matinée Recordings, para sumar a su cancionero y un aperitivo de lo que será su nuevo álbum en 2021. Press 4 for Love, la nueva propuesta del dúo, es una dosis exquisitamente estructurada de pop perfecto aderezado con el sonido evocador de guitarras Rickenbacker, un ritmo irresistible y la soleada voz de Sandra conduciéndonos con dulzura a través de la canción. Con reminiscencias en su sonido de bandas como The Shop Assistants, The Primitives o The Darling Buds, referencias indiscutibles del pop guitarrero británico de finales de los ochenta, los escoceses demuestran en cada lanzamiento su indiscutible calidad. Esperamos con ansia su nuevo disco. Disfruten. --Velvety Blog (Song of the Week)
Dopo quasi cinque anni torna a farsi sentire il duo scozzese composto da Sandra e Laz McLuskey. Questa Press 4 For Love è un delizioso invito a smettere di premere tasti tutto il giorno per cominciare piuttosto a "toccare i tasti giusti". La traccia vola via, tutta giocata su "exquisitely structured dose of perfect pop with jangling Rickenbacker guitars, stop-start rhythms, and Sandra’s sweet-as-sunshine vocals". La B-side del singolo A Rainy Day In Glasgow, invece, recupera una outtake dalle sessioni di Hits In The Car, album che gli Strawberry Whiplash pubblicarono nel 2012. Un nuovo lavoro sulla lunga distanza è atteso per il 2021, e le premesse sono delle migliori! --Polaroid blog
Aux abonnés absents depuis 5 ans et son dernier LP en date, Stuck In The Never Ending Now, le duo indie-pop écossais composé de la chanteuse Sandra et son acolyte Lawrence « Laz » McCluskey (Bubblegum Lemonade) revient avec un nouveau single. Press 4 For Love est disponible en version numérique sur le label Matinée Recordings. Un nouvel album de Strawberry Whiplash est prévu pour 2021. --Fanfare
Ormai ci siamo abituati a mesi di silenzio da parte della storica Matinée Recordings, che però, di solito, vengono prontamente cancellati da una bella serie di uscite a raffica. Anche questa volta è andata così. La Matinée inaugura il suo nuovo sito con una nuovo singolo degli Strawberry Whiplash. Con i primi, tornati in pista dopo uno stop di 5 anni, abbiamo una gustosa anticipazione di un disco che uscirà nel 2021 con la pimpante “Press 4 for Love”, che conferma tutte le squisite caratteristiche che amiamo nella band. --Indie for Bunnies