The Lucksmiths - T-Shirt Weather EP
matinée 018
/ September 2000

The Lucksmiths - T-Shirt Weather EP
matinée 018
/ September 2000
First release of the year from this extraordinarily popular Australian trio features some of their catchiest songs so far! The title track is an infectious summer pop hit with driving guitar and bass, tambourines, ba-ba-ba's, a shaky egg, and brilliant harmonies. "Tmrw vs. Y'day" features meandering gentle strums, vibraphone, and splendid vocals. The two-track 7" is limited to 800 copies and comes with a free postcard. The four-track CDEP adds a superb cover of the Magnetic Fields' "Deep Sea Diving Suit" and a handsome new version of "Southernmost" with multilayered keyboards.
- T-Shirt Weather
- Tmrw vs. Y'day
- Deep Sea Diving Suit (cd only)
- Southernmost (cd only)
Squeeze meets Elvis Costello. Recorded in the USA from a postal address in Australia, this single manages to sound as English as Yorkshire pud. But of course, as the title track relates something that never occurs here, you know they can only be foreign. If you like upbeat intelligent pop tightly performed, you'll love this. The B-side "Tmrw vs Yday" or "Tomorrow versus Yesterday" to the uninitiated) perilously treads that fine line between beautiful pop and repetitive dross. Thankfully pop wins out and it is a quaint, idiosyncratic doodle. Buy this now - you'll never be depressed with these boys around. --Record Collector Magazine
Not much to say here but gee, the Lucksmiths sound great on vinyl! These two songs have already got an airing on the Candle Records compilation banter earlier in the year so there is nothing new here. 'T-shirt Weather' is a great, rollicking track absolutely soaking in the charm and charisma of Aussie, indie pop genius. I'm sure you could power a small town on the energy this band have. Tomorrow versus yesterday is a little more downbeat but it is hard not to take a little joy in the cheery vibraphone. --Oz Music Project
Three more charmers and one cover by my favorite Australian band The Lucksmiths. The cover is of Magnetic Fields "Deep Sea Diving Suit" and it's one of my fave M.F. tunes but the Lucksmiths version is just ok, not nearly up to the greatness of the original. The title track is upbeat and bouncy while "Tmrw vs. Yday" is a slow charmer and their remake of their own "Southernmost"(which is slightly more beefed up than the original) is truly a winner. You need ALL of their records. --Dagger
There's nothing more exciting than a new batch of Lucksmiths songs! Unfortunately, this isn't really new, seeing as the first two tracks are straight from the Banter compilation released on Candle earlier this year. The other two songs are a cover of the Magnetic Fields' "Deep Sea Diving Suit" and a slower version of "Southernmost" layered in keyboards, which still make this a must-own. For the collectors, the 7" version of this only has the first two songs (the Banter ones), but it comes with a limited edition postcard! --IndiePages
Soon they may need to delete the prefix "luck-" from the Lucksmiths as more and more the exquisite jangle on these increasingly brilliant records from the Lucksmiths have begun to resemble the Smiths. There are none of the Johnny Marr guitar heroics or hysterical yalps but Marty and Mark Lucksmiths have taken to writing character driven anthems of the obscure much like Morrissey/Marr did. The a-side is similar to their last single release being a chugging acoustic anthem expressing the doleful joys of summer weather. Tali, the singer, sounds more melancholic than ever even as he extolls virtue in the sunshine. The b-sides consist of a standard Lucksmiths cover version type cover of the Magnetic Fields 'Deep Sea Diving Suit' which they pull off with great aplomb with a more prosaic tempo and minus any sort of synth accompaniment. The final song is an elegaic, mournful number which makes the entire record a huge blasting success. --Twee Kitten
Shades of C86 or uptown Sugargliders, perhaps? And wholly likeable, but The Lucksmiths have yet to set the world alight as far as I can tell. But then I find it so hard to track down their records. Maybe I should be on the Internet, maybe I should get a credit card. As the guy from Channel 4 Racing might say to the peanut-crunching punters, put their name in your notebook and watch the form improve - an outside chance for the Gold Cup. --Wide Open Road
The Lucksmiths are an Australian band with a singing drummer. They've released a few things on Matinée, the latest being T-Shirt Weather, containing four indiepop songs. One of the tracks is a version of the Magnetic Fields' Deep Sea Diving Suit. I've only heard one or two Magnetic Fields songs and found them far too dour, and nowhere near as indiepoppy as I'd been led to believe they were, but this version by The Lucksmiths is in a similar style to the usual Lucksmiths material. The last track on here is a new version of Southernmost, from an earlier single, which this time has the addition of Hammond organ. --Aquamarine
The Lucksmiths bring us a new single right before their new record is due, and like always they don't disappoint. T-shirt Weather is the perfect a-side with rat tat drums ala brushes, with the slight Australian vibrato vocal and the yearnings of going outside and enjoying the sun and getting friends to join in. The b-side is more calling for the outdoors, and afternoon in the country. If you like the Kissing Book then you'll love The Lucksmiths. I love both, so please please please do yourself a favor and pick this up. --The Bee’s Knees
Lättsam, sockersöt pop kryddad med underfundiga texter av australiensiska The Lucksmiths. De kan numera kalla sig rutinerade, med fem album och minst lika många EP:s och singlar i ryggen. Nya EP:n "T-Shirt Weather" innehåller fyra låtar, varav två är nya kompositioner. Tredje låten är en cover av Magnetic Fields underbara "The Deep Sea Diving Suit". Sist men inte minst har bandet gjort en ny version av '98 års "Southernmost", roligt men tyvärr är den tidigare versionen snäppet bättre. De nya låtarna följer troget Lucksmiths sedan tidigare lagda kompassriktning, jag vet inte åt vilket väderstreck men destinationen heter något i stil med POP!!! Stompig och oerhört skön vårmusik mitt i vintermörkret är aldrig fel, The Lucksmiths gör mig glad... Jag ser med stor spänning fram emot bandets nästa album, som skall släppas lagom till det att vårkänslorna börjat gro inom oss. Håll ögonen öppna. --Revolution #9