My Darling YOU! - We Break Up On Friday

My Darling YOU! - We Break Up On Friday
- We Break Up On Friday
- I Adore You
Swedish band My Darling You! will be releasing their second single for Matinée Recordings on November 17th. Titled We Break Up On Friday it’s the follow up to last year’s Thanks For Letting Me Stay single. It’s a fast paced track driven by keyboards and frantic vocals and it’s all over in the blink of an eye (or should be that be a flick of the ear?) given it only runs for 68 seconds. But hey, there is a lot going on in that time! An album entitled 'A Dream Come True' will follow next month but for now you can pick up the single, which is backed with a non album track I Adore You, from the label in digital formats. --Records I Like
Just yesterday we shared a new track from Strawberry Whiplash off their latest single from Matinee Recordings. But, while investigating that bit of pop joy, we also noticed the label had another quick pop single to share, that of My Darling YOU! The Swedish duo will be releasing a brand new 20 track record tiled 'A Dream Come True' this December, and they’ve opted to share this quick little burst of pop joy to throw right in your face. It hits you fast and hard, throwing up this sense of joyousness in an emphatic fashion. The tune bursts, charms and then fades away. Just imagine what they’ll be able to do with 20 tracks! --Austin Town Hall
We have learned that Matinée Recordings has released a single by Swedish duo My Darling YOU! Consisting of "We Break Up On Friday" and "I Adore You", it is a thrilling release that will please long-time fans of the band and bring some new ones into the fold. My Darling YOU! are Klas Hermansson and Christopher Johansson, and their sweet spot is a somewhat manic, punk infused indie pop -- an enthralling mix of energy, heart-on-the-sleeve emotion and melody. The single is available now, and a collection of the band's songs, titled A Dream Come True, is due in December, also from Matinée Recordings. By the way, "I Adore You" is not on the upcoming collection so you can only have it by buying the single. —When You Motor Away
Swedish indie-pop duo My Darling YOU! had a bunch of EPs and singles on the Luxury label (mostly) in the first decade of this century, but many missed their often shambolic bursts first time around. Matinée is trying to rectify that with the 20-track compilation 'A Dream Come True,' due out next month. The manic keyboards of "We Break Up On Friday" is sure to whet your appetite for more of their "shouty pop." Great to have you back, Matinée. Now start hitting that download button, indie-pop fans. --Linear Tracking Lives
This December Matinée Recordings are releasing a compilation called “A Dream Come True” by Swedish duo My Darling YOU! who I worked with many many years ago on another compilation. This is very cool. The song they are sharing this time around is “We Break Up on Friday” ! --Cloudberry blog
L'anno scorso, la notizia che i veterani My Darling YOU! approdavano alla Matinée mi aveva abbastanza sorpreso, ma ancora maggiore era stata la gioia nello scoprire che il duo di Göteborg era tuttora in attività. Dietro il motto "Techno Music For The Indiepop Haters" i MDY! nascondono un approccio alla musica che tiene assieme punk, lo-fi ed elettronica, ma con quello stile tutto svedese che ci avevano fatto conoscere band come Tough Alliance o Slagsmålsklubben. Sono convinto che gli autori di un inno totale come Please Don't Talk To Me I Fall In Love So Easily abbiano senza dubbio ancora qualcosa da dire in quest'epoca sconclusionata, e non vedo l'ora di sentire le loro canzoni nuove. Nel frattempo, A Dream Come True è il titolo di un'antologia che dovrebbe vedere la luce il mese prossimo, e ci sono un paio di inediti ad accompagnarla: Thanks For Letting Me Stay e questa nuova fulminante We Break Up On Friday, preghiera di un minuto per rimandare un'inevitabile rottura sentimentale almeno a dopo il weekend. --Polaroid blog
Ormai ci siamo abituati a mesi di silenzio da parte della storica Matinée Recordings, che però, di solito, vengono prontamente cancellati da una bella serie di uscite a raffica. Anche questa volta è andata così. La Matinée inaugura il suo nuovo sito con una nuovo singolo degli My Darling YOU!. Per il duo svedese il brano supermelodico “We Break Up On Friday” è l’estratto da “A Dream Come True”, in uscita il 20 dicembre. --Indie for Bunnies