The Royal Landscaping Society - Goodbye
/ May 2019

The Royal Landscaping Society - Goodbye
/ May 2019
Spanish band The Royal Landscaping Society have a clutch of releases on esteemed international labels and to celebrate their arrival on the Matinée roster we are releasing a special compilation of their music called ‘Means of Production’ in advance of an exclusive new 7” single next year. This preview single includes perhaps their finest moment to date ‘Goodbye’ along with a brilliant cover of the song ‘A To Fade In’ by English band Adorable. Fans of Matinée favorites Harper Lee: meet your new favorite band!
- Goodbye
- A To Fade In
Matinée Recordings has a lot of news in their Soundcloud and I will start with the band I am most excited about, The RLS from Seville, Spain! They have a song available to stream called “Goodbye” which is a gem. A piece of perfection. This song is taken from a 2-track single where “A To Fade In” would be its B side. --Cloudberry Cake Proselytism
This one came in on a batch of digital releases from Matinée and is a two tracker by a duo from Seville which started out as a solo project before morphing into a band, and eventually shrinking back to duo status. Apparently they've been around for a while but I'm only familiar with them from a song they did on a Matinée World Cup EP last year. The first track here is the shimmering and synth-led "Goodbye" with lyrics tinged with regret, and everything is melancholy. It's a clean sound they have and this is an old song of theirs dating back to 2014 if my research is correct. Then, you get an unlikely cover of "A To Fade In" by Adorable. What a great choice of song to cover. Adorable were well on our radar as teenagers obsessed with shoegaze bands in the 90s but they don't seem to get talked about too often these days. I still have a few records of theirs and hearing this song again has led me to dig them out once more. This version is pretty faithful although there is definitely more synth here. Only two songs here but it has me interested. --Collective Zine
I was lucky enough to find that new Azure Blue release from Matinée Recordings last Friday, and the esteemed indiepop label has turned around and shared another new gem, this time from The Royal Landscaping Society. It’s going to be hard not to listen to this on repeat as often as one can; it offers up this dreamy guitar line that mixes it up with this deep tone and sharp percussive element, the sort that makes the dream pop/shoegaze kids swoon. Then comes the voice, bringing in a calming melody that doesn’t really go too far outside the song’s comfort zone…until the 2:12 mark (and the 3:16 mark). Here, the keyboards rise in, a strummed guitar line is apparent and the vocals swell, just a smidge. I’m so in love with this track. Keep your eyes peeled for a 7″ later this year on Matinée. --Austin Town Hall
Matinée Recordings HQ is really hopping. New digital singles and EPs abound by favorites like Red Sleeping Beauty, Azure Blue and Bubblegum Lemonade. I am particularly smitten by one of the label's latest signings, Seville's own the Royal Landscaping Society. The Sarah vibe on "Goodbye" has me pining for a long player. --Linear Tracking Lives
A beautiful two track single from the Spanish indiepop duo, – their debut for Matinée Recordings. The dreamy single also includes a cover of one of my favourite songs, “A to fade in” by the very underrated Adorable. --Eardrums Music (Best of the Month)
The Royal Landscaping Society is a Spanish duo consisting of Cris Romero (vocals/guitar/synths/electronics) and David Vidal (bass/synths). Despite the name of the band, don't expect them to cut your lawn or trim your hedge. However you can count on them to deliver some sweet pop music. Our exposure to their art so far has been via songs on compilations (although they did release a self-titled album in 2014) But now we have Goodbye -- a two-song digital single released by Matinée Recordings. The lovely title track is embedded below. The B-side is "A To Fade In", and while we don't have a stream for you, we assure you that for our ears, this single is a double A-side. --When You Motor Away
E’ la Matinée Recordings che ci da ottime notizie sui Royal Landscaping Society, la band spagnola formata da Cris e David che finalmente torna a dare segni di vita in modo importante. La cosa, ovviamente, riempie di gioia i fan della Matinée ma anche della Sarah Records, ad esempio, visto l’amore e la devozione degli spagnoli verso sonorità proprie di Brighter, Trembling Blue Stars e Harper Lee. L’etichetta americana, prima di pubblicare nuovi brani della band, ha deciso di rispolverare tutto il loro catalogo, andando a pubblicare, in luglio, una raccolta che comprenderà tutte le uscite precedenti del duo. E’ ovviamente l’occasione buona per scoprire la loro musica e per tracciare quello che può essere un significativo punto di partenza. “Means of Production” conterrà quindi 16 brani, che vanno a pescare dal passato dei RLS: tutti i brani saranno rimsterizzati e curati dalla band stessa. --Indie for Bunnies
Découverts grâce au regretté label brestois Beko Disques, qui publia en 2014 leur premier mini-album et pour lequel ils enregistrèrent également une reprise de Bleu Comme Toi d’Etienne Daho (sur la compilation Mostla Tape, sortie en collaboration avec La Souterraine), les Espagnols de The Royal Landscaping Society ont choisi de rejoindre les rangs du label américain Matinée Recordings (Red Sleeping Beauty, Bubblegum Lemonade, Math and Physics Club). Lancé en 2012 comme un projet solo puis devenu temporairement un quatuor, The Royal Landscaping Society a ensuite trouvé sa formule idéale, sous la forme d’un duo composé de Cris Romero (chant, guitare, claviers et machines) et David Vidal (basse, claviers). Avec ses guitares ligne claire et son électronique fluette, la pop « romantique et chatoyante » de Cris et David doit beaucoup à New Order ainsi qu’aux groupes du label Sarah Records, Brighter et The Field Mice en tête. Pour célébrer l’arrivée de cette nouvelle recrue de choix, Matinée Recordings commercialisera en juillet une compilation de 16 titres intitulée Means of Production, qui reprendra la plupart des morceaux enregistrés par le groupe de Séville depuis ses débuts. Pour patienter, un single numérique est déjà disponible. On y retrouve l’excellent Goodbye (un morceau déjà présent sur leur premier mini-album), ainsi qu’une reprise de A To Fade In d’Adorable, extraite du tribute Feelings Called Glorious réalisé par The Blog That Celebrates Itself Records. Une bonne nouvelle n’arrivant jamais seule, The Royal Landscaping Society sera le vendredi 20 septembre à l’affiche du grand rendez-vous indie pop de la rentrée, la troisième édition du festival Paris Popfest. --Fanfare
The Royal Landscaping Society, pese a que no lo parezca por el nombre, es una banda sevillana que desde hace ya algunos años nos está dejando canciones de pop de mucha calidad y que, desgraciadamente, en los grandes festivales nacionales no les hacen mucho caso (en el extranjero, curiosamente, los valoran más y han tocado en indietracks, verbena o el Paris popfest). Cris Romero y David Vidal tiran de un pop con aires dream y preciosas melodías. Un buen sinte y algo de electrónica ensoñadora para envolver sus canciones y que queden perfectas junto a guitarras y bajo. Este 2019 nos han sorprendido con un single que ha lanzado Matinée Recordings (un sello que me encanta y que les pega mucho) y del que solo he escuchado la cara A: Goodbye que es una auténtica maravilla. Ojalá pronto tengamos más noticias de The Royal Landscaping Society en forma de elepé porque su música bien lo merece. --Nebrija Records Blog
Tornano a farsi sentire The Royal Landscaping Society, duo spagnolo devoto alle più classiche e malinconiche sonorità di casa Sarah Records (appena qui parte l'arpeggio si affacciano subito al cuore titoli di Field Mice, Brighter o Trembling Blue Stars...). La altrettanto storica Matinée Records sta per pubblicare il loro prossimo sette pollici, ma prima ha deciso di regalarci un prezioso "riassunto delle puntate precedenti" e curare un'antologia (rimasterizzata) con tutte le canzoni uscite in questi anni, tra singoli, compilation e un EP ormai introvabile su Beko. La raccolta si intitolerà Means Of Production e arriverà a luglio, ad anticiparla una nuova versione di questa dolente Goodbye. --Polaroid Blog