Lovejoy - A Christmas Wish EP
matinée 025
/ November 2000

Lovejoy - A Christmas Wish EP
matinée 025
/ November 2000
Swift follow-up to the well-received album Songs in the Key of Lovejoy, this limited 7" features three exclusive recordings in the holiday tradition. The superb a-side "I Dream of Angels" is an orchestral song that evokes all the beautiful imagery of Christmas and features guitars, keyboards and magnificent female harmonies. The b-side includes two quite different versions of "Snow Falling Softly," an atmospheric song with keyboards and drums and a nearly spoken vocal that recalls the machinations of Biff Bang Pow! Perfect for fans of House of Love, Blueboy, or the Revolving Paint Dream.
- I Dream Of Angels
- Snow Falling Softly
- Snow Falling Softly (Bent Fabric mix)
reviews I ordered 'A Christmas Wish' and it came to me the first day in February. To Gothenburg. In February. Those of you who live here know what I'm talking about. The rest of you don't want to know. It's hard to believe spring will ever come again. After Christmas in Boras and a month of alternately slush and that dry, biting kind of cold and the damned incessant wind. It takes quite a lot to thaw things up. Lovejoy manage it. They manage it by wishing their friends a merry Christmas on the cover of their single. Through not the most beautiful manifesto I have ever read, but through a small note inside the sleeve, with a gorgeously whimsical and loving text entitled 'And don't tell me it's just sentimental memories...'. They manage it through pop, as frail, as beautiful, as dreamy, as shimmeringly crystal clear and sentimental as the first snowfall in November. Like running round with your tongue out your mouth, catching flakes in the crunching green-white grass. Like the visible breaths of the one you love. "Silently, walk with me". From now on I'll follow every step. Without hesitation. --Try Happiness
This record could very easily be likened to a snowy December morning. It's snowing softly outside, and you're asleep in your warm bed. Though, called "A Christmas Wish", this is more about good cheer than the actual holiday. The A-side is a very soft song, with guitars just gliding along smoothly, almost as if they were skiing. And the vocals are just as smooth, like the Pet Shop Boys mixed with Pale Saints. It swells as the wind picks up, but slows down again. The flip is two variations of the same song, "Snow Falling Softly". The first take (the original), is just guitars and keys with the phrase "snow falling softly" repeated; more of an interlude. The remix is a bit better, as it adds shuffling electronic drums into the mix, making the song more hypnotic. --IndiePages
More timely Christmas musings from the fabulous Lovejoy! A-side starts off as a slow acoustic number with male vocals and then majestically transforms into a lush, grandiose opus of a beautiful pop song with interplaying boy/girl vocals in the chorus. Side B offers up two versions (original and remix) of a slow-cooking soft instrumental number that is just the perfect soundtrack to staring out the window at gently-falling snow as you sip your hot cocoa. Gorgeous stuff! --Tone Vendor
Glad tidings wrapped in glistening lilt & beautiful bows; gorgeous swooping pop - with bells on. --Parasol
The a-side "I Dream Of Angels" presents a lush wall of sound with co-ed vocals and strummy guitars, and the b-side features two versions of "Snow Falling Softly" both of which are hypno-bliss-out. --Twee Kitten