The Perfect English Weather - Call Me When The Rain Comes EP
/ May 2019

The Perfect English Weather - Call Me When The Rain Comes EP
/ May 2019
The Perfect English Weather release a new four track EP headed by the single 'Call Me When The Rain Comes', a slow builder about emigration, climate change and river fishing walks in Nova Scotia. A big favourite at recent live gigs, this is a new mix of the song originally appearing on the album 'Don’t You Wanna Feel The Rain?' and featuring live drums by Jonny Aitken of Spiritualized fame. The EP also comes with three brand new songs exclusive to this release. And you know what? They are all basically your typical Perfect English Weather electro-acoustic classics, so what’s not to love?
- Call Me When The Rain Comes
- How Could I Ever?
- She Isn't Counting On A Miracle
- Carry Me
We never get enough of The Perfect English Weather. No, not "that" perfect English weather with the rain and fog - we have enough of that is Seattle. We mean the project of Wendy and Simon Pickles, who have chosen that name for their musical creations separate from their larger, long-running guitar pop band The Popguns. Astute readers (we always assume that some of you qualify), may ask why, when last fall the duo released an album titled Don't You Want To Feel The Rain (link to our feature), they are now following six months later with Call Me When The Rain Comes EP. The answer is that there were three songs that weren't quite 'baked' sufficiently for inclusion on the Fall 2018 album (and the album already had 13 tracks). However, Wendy and Simon deemed the three songs to be ready for our ears, and have released them with a new mix of the title track from the aforementioned album. To our ears, The Perfect English Weather have gotten it exactly right on this EP. The lead track pops with new drumming from Spiritualized's Jonny Aitken and the three new tracks are terrific. Of the four songs, we are particularly taken with the delicate beauty of "She Isn't Counting On A Miracle", and the more robust pop delights of the emotional "How Could I Ever?". Truly worth your time. Call Me When The Rain Comes EP is out this weekend in digital and CD formats via Matinee Recordings. --When You Motor Away
The Perfect English Weather return here with a new EP featuring a re-working of the last track from last year's "Don't You Wanna Feel The Rain?" album and 3 new songs. The title track has added live drums and was a standout on that last album. The other three songs here will definitely appeal if you liked that album - bittersweet, melancholy pop songs with lyrics all nostalgic and wistful. The last track, "Carry Me", breaks the mould a little and delves into electronica but all these tracks could've slotted in nicely on "Don't You Wanna Feel The Rain?" --Collective Zine
Matinée Recordings HQ is really hopping. New digital singles and EPs abound by favorites like Red Sleeping Beauty, Azure Blue and Bubblegum Lemonade. The Perfect English Weather also have an EP to promote a brand-new mix of "Call Me When the Rain Comes," the stellar closer from the recent 'Don't You Wanna Feel The Rain?' album. The most obvious change from the original is the addition of Jonny Aitken from Spiritualized providing live drums. --Linear Tracking Lives
There is a new 4 song EP by The Perfect English Weather, the band that sprung out of C86 legends The Popguns. I believe it is only available digitally, so you know I don’t buy these sort of releases, but I can enjoy the free two tracks that are available to stream on Soundcloud, “Call Me When the Rain Comes” and “She Isn’t Counting on a Miracle”. The other two songs included in this digital EP are “How Could I Ever?” and “Carry Me”. Come on, release it as a CDEP! --Cloudberry Cake Proselytism
This is the second release from Matinée Recordings that I write about this month. This is another very fine EP from the Popguns sideproject. Very nice popsongs. --Eardrums Music (Best of the Month)
Lluvia y niebla podrían ser la definición del clima perfecto en Gran Bretaña, pero musicalmente hablando The Perfect English Weather es un encantador dúo procedente de Brighton cuyo viaje musical comenzó a fines de los ochenta conformando la infecciosa banda jangle pop The Popguns. El otro proyecto del matrimonio formado por Wendy y Simon Pickles atesora un melancólico sonido de pop guitarrero que ya nos impresionó el año pasado con su brillante álbum Don’t You Wanna Feel The Rain (2018) y que ahora vuelve con alguno de los descartes del disco en el EP Call me when the rain comes (2019) Pop de quilates que ya ha recibido comparaciones con reputadas referencias ochenteras como Everything But The Girl o los más recientes St. Etienne y que hace gala de una fuerte carga emotiva en los evocadores paisajes musicales que dibuja. Seis meses después del lanzamiento de su último trabajo los británicos regresan con tres nuevas canciones (que aun no estaban maduras para incluir en el álbum en su momento) y una regrabación de la emocionante Call me when the rain comes con el añadido de batería de Jonny Aitken (Spiritualized). Un corte hermoso y frágil a partes iguales dotado de una melancólica melodía que por momentos nos recuerda a God Help The Girl y acompañado de un delicado trabajo vocal por parte de Wendy que pone los pelos como escarpias. Disfruten. --Velvety Blog (Song of the Week)
Periodo di grande fermento in casa Matinée Recordings e quindi fuochi d’artificio in termini di uscite che non possiamo non segnalare con grande gioia. Tornano in pista anche i nostri favoriti The Perfect English Weather, che proprio pochi giorni fa hanno pubblicato un nuovo EP, la cui canzone portante è “Call Me When The Rain Comes”, in un mix diverso però rispetto alla versione che trovate sull’album “Don’t You Wanna Feel The Rain?”. I 3 inediti presenti sull’EP mostrano la classica maestri della band a muoversi su territori elettro-acustici con grazia e raffinatezza. Visto che ormai anche qui in Italia il tempo metereologico è sempre più simile a quello inglese con momenti di sole e poi pioggia, beh, questo EP non può che diventare un nostro favorito. --Indie for Bunnies