The Royal Landscaping Society - Frost

The Royal Landscaping Society - Frost
Superb new single 'Frost' from Spanish duo The Royal Landscaping Society is a shimmering indiepop gem with sweeping keyboards and expert electronica reminiscent of early Matinée favorites Harper Lee. The digital single also features an excellent cover version of ‘This Gift’ by Sunday Records band They Go Boom! The 17-track ‘Means of Production’ album is coming soon!
- Frost
- This Gift
Matinée Recordings are having a prolific November on the singles front. Frost by Spanish band The Royal Landscaping Society is the fourth released by the label this month and what do you know it’s another cracker. Well, I think it’s a Christmas track judging by the title and cover so that is appropriate! The song itself is a nice piece of electronica based indiepop. The casual and relaxed vocal style works nicely over the melodic keyboard and guitars. On the flip, you will find the bands version of This Gift which was originally performed by They Go Boom!!. It’s pretty similar to the original which is either a good or bad thing depending on how you like covers. A 17 album titled the Means of Production is due to follow shortly. Frost can be purchased digitally from the label. —Records I Like
You may remember the Royal Landscaping Society and their terrific tune "Clean" earning a spot on my Festive 50 last year. Expect the Spanish duo to make a return engagment this year with the beautiful synth-heavy "Frost." As an added bonus, the virtual flip side is a cover by the beloved They Go BOOM! Can't go wrong with this one. Word is the 17-track album 'Means of Production' is on the way. --Linear Tracking Lives
Matinée Recordings is wrapping up this shitty year by trying to brighten the horizon, offering some singles to look forward to in 2021. Spanish outfit The Royal Landscaping Society offer you this blend of pulsing electronica and indiepop; I grinned every time that chorus dropped in, gentle and charming, bursting with euphoric feels! And don’t forget that heavy guitar solo in the song’s latter half to boot. This single comes with a cover of They Go Boom!’s “The Gift.” They’ve got a 17 track album coming your way next year, so keep your ears ready! Be sure to visit Matinée frequently as the news seems pretty constant (and great) right now! -Austin Town Hall
Fervent activity from the Matinée Records camp in recent weeks with 5 releases in a row of, as usual, brilliant pop tunes. Spanish indie-pop /shoegaze /dream pop duo The Royal Landscaping Society from Sevilla is back with a remastered sad nostalgic endearing recollection of their distinctive ‘shimmery romantic pop’, gently rhythmically wavering between New Order-like warm yet airy synth swells and glistening guitar melodies that sparkle over bittersweet vocal harmonies, helplessly brooding as ‘everything’s lost.’ ”Frost” (originally included in Self/Titled 2014 album on Beko Disques) is a 2-track single to be included in the compilation ‘Means of Production’ via Matinée Recordings. --White Light / White Heat (Picks of the Week)
In other Matinée news we have our Spanish friends The Royal Landscaping Society with their classic song “Frost”! The B side for this digital single is “This Gift”, a cover of They Go Boom! This digital release is to get everyone ready for the upcoming 17 track album “Means of Production”! --Cloudberry blog
Seville’s The Royal Landscaping Society may have released the excellent A-side, “Frost,” on their 2014 self-titled album, but am I glad they brought this back to my attention. With its head-bobbing beat and classic indie pop vocals, the vibe of the song is so on target for this blog. Perhaps even more notably, it is rare that I enjoy an ending to a song so thoroughly, but that guitar line is positively beautiful and is the star of the show. The B-side, “The Gift,” is a They Go Boom!! cover, originally released on Somewhere in England, A Sunday Records Tribute to They Go Boom!! This track sounds like the indiepop I first got into – jangly guitars, light airy vocals with humming keys in the background. As for the lyrics – you’ve got me, as I’m not terribly familiar with They Go Boom!! and there aren’t many resources for their lyrics. But hey… you put a track called “The Gift” on your mix, who is really going to sit down and pick it apart. The song sounds great and has a nice vibe – that is what really matters! Bottom Line: Solid 2-track seasonal single package from some of Spain’s finest purveyours of indie pop. --Christmas Underground
A certain landscaping business has been in the news in the United States as a player in yet one more farcical episode in the reality TV presidency. However, our tastes landscaping run to The Royal Landscaping Society, a two-man band from Seville, Spain. Cris and David make swoon-worthy electro pop that uplifts our spirits and fires our romance synapses. Their latest creation to reach our ears is the just released "Frost" consisting of the wonderful title track coupled with a cover of "This Gift", a song recorded by They Go BOOM! "Frost" is out now as a digital single via Matinée Recordings, available at the Matinée online shop and other digital sources. In other good RLS news, the band will be releasing LP "Means of Production" in the coming months. --When You Motor Away
Seville's Royal Landscaping Society have been quiet for years but they're back with this very New Ordery rush. --It Starts With A Birthstone (Song of the Day)
Another indie pop gem from Matinée Recordings, this is the new single from Spanish duo, Cris and David a.k.a. The Royal Landscaping Society – the digital single also features a cover of ‘This Gift’ by Sunday Records band They Go Boom! --Beat Surrender
Nella musica dei Royal Landscaping Society le influenze indiepop si ibridano con un'elettronica malinconica, figlia di atmosfere tra New Order e Cure, ma la voce un po' dolente di Cris Romero resta sempre al centro delle composizioni. Questo nuovo singolo riunisce Frost, "reminiscent of early Matinée favorites Harper Lee" (ma io aggiungerei anche certi Field Mice o Saint Etienne) e una cover di This Gift dei They Go Boom, storica band di casa Sunday Records. Anche per il duo di Siviglia si attende a breve un nuovo album, intitolato Means Of Production, anche se la data non è stata annunciata. --Polaroid blog
La seconda perla di giornata è quella dei The Royal Landscaping Society che svelano il singolo “Frost” (in uscita in realtà il 24 novembre come data ufficiale). La magia degli Harper Lee rivive in queste note malinconiche. Un pezzo da batticuore. Spriamo di avere presto fra le mani il tanto atteso “Means of Production”, album che racchiuderà il meglio della produzione della band spagnola. --Indie For Bunnies
"Frost", delicioso nuevo single de indiepop electrónico del dúo sevillano The Royal Landscaping Society avance de un álbum que se llamará "Means of Production" y llegará pronto vía Matinée Recordings. El single digital de este tema también incluye una excelente versión de "This Gift" de They Go Boom!!. --Astredupop