Various - Matinée Idols

Various - Matinée Idols
Brilliant new compilation to commemorate the 20th anniversary of California indie label Matinée Recordings! To mark the occasion, Matinée artists from across the globe contributed previously unreleased, exclusive, or rare recordings to this special collection and the result is a certified pop classic.
Danish popstars Champagne Riot kick things off with an absolute smash hit called ‘Ingrid Bergman,’ while English legends The Popguns showcase their signature pristine pop on ‘So Long’ and Swedish favorites The Electric Pop Group deliver a stunning new song—their first in four years—called ‘Postcard.’
Australian band Last Leaves features several former Lucksmiths and are one of three artists making their Matinée debut on this compilation with the truly sensational ‘Something Falls.’ New band Tinsel Heart from Sweden are also fresh to the Matinée stable and make a splash with an exceptional song called ‘Talk,’ while Scottish darlings Strawberry Whiplash deliver the clever new singalong jangler ‘Me, My Selfie and I.’
The third new addition to the Matinée roster is The Royal Landscaping Society from Spain and they mark their auspicious debut with a shimmering atmospheric popsong called ‘Moon.’ Seattle favorites Math and Physics Club represent the American indie scene in fine fashion with the contemplative new track ‘Shadows Longer,’ while English duo The Catenary Wires follow up their recent mini-album with more beautiful harmonies on ‘You Save Me From Myself’ and fellow Englishmen Seabirds contribute another impressive song called ‘Independent Horses.’
Recent Matinée signings The Perfect English Weather are the fourth English band represented on the compilation and they deliver a melodic stunner called ‘Under My Feet,’ while Scotland’s Bubblegum Lemonade continue to shine with the ace new track ‘Set The Boy Free.’ Fellow Scots The Hermit Crabs showcase the noisy two-minute pop nugget ‘Game Plan,’ and Sweden’s Azure Blue conclude the album with a perfect dose of electronic pop called ‘New Moon.’
An impressive collection of some of today’s finest indie bands, ‘Matinée Idols’ is the perfect way to celebrate 20 years of immaculate pop and document the continued strength of the Matinée roster.
- Champagne Riot - Ingrid Bergman
- The Popguns - So Long
- The Electric Pop Group - Postcard
- Last Leaves - Something Falls
- Tinsel Heart - Talk
- Strawberry Whiplash - Me, My Selfie and I
- The Royal Landscaping Society - Moon
- Math and Physics Club - Shadows Longer
- The Catenary Wires - You Save Me From Myself
- Seabirds - Independent Horses
- The Perfect English Weather - Under My Feet
- Bubblegum Lemonade - Set The Boy Free
- The Hermit Crabs - Game Plan
- Azure Blue - New Moon
This is going to feel like "This Is Your Life," but it's a life well worth celebrating. As Matinée Recordings turns 20, I'm struck by how much of my favorite music has come from the label. From its humble D.C. beginnings, when founder Jimmy Tassos bucked late '90s trends and actually put out 7" singles by indie-pop bands from around the world, to the left-coast move and an expanded stable of stars, including even an American band (Math and Physics Club) that unexpectedly fit Matinée's distinct aesthetic, Matinée has been nothing but quality. Like many of you, it was the Lucksmiths that brought me to Matinée. More specifically, it was the "Untidy Towns" 7". I imagine those Aussies helped pay many of the label's bills, but there have been so many memorable releases among Matinée's 79 albums and 93 singles that only a list will do. To celebrate 20 years as a label, here are my 20 favorite Matinée releases. No rules. Singles, compilations and anything else from the label are eligible. Apologies in advance for releases that show my age. Matinée is on fire right now, with new bands and albums just around the corner. So, obviously this list is fluid. You already know about 'Sugar Kisses,' the new one from the Popguns that's sure to make the list above soon, but we now know about some other poptastic releases out now or just around the corner. The Lucksmiths are sorely missed, but Marty Donald returns to the fold with a new band, called Last Leaves, and some of the fellas from his old band will make appearances on a new album due out this fall. There are other new signings, too, including Tinsel Heart from Sweden and the Royal Landscaping Society from Spain. To mark 20 years, the just released compilation 'Matinée Idols' includes a song from all three of these new bands, as well as songs from many of your favorite bands on the label's roster. Best of all, these are previously unreleased, exclusive, or rare recordings. My copy is on the way, and I have been stalking the postman all week. Here is the tracklist and a few of the songs to stream. Happy birthday, Matinée! —Linear Tracking Lives
As it hits its 20th anniversary, Matinée Recordings has pulled together 14 tracks from some of its key artists (and, yes, they should have gone for 20). The tracks should please long-time fans. While there’s nothing too shocking in the indie-pop presented here, the songs are rare or previously unreleased music rather than a series of the label’s greatest hits, without including throwaway material. While the Lucksmiths aren’t present, their jangly sound survives in Last Leaves, (who including former Lucksmiths). They provide the disc’s best track with “Something Falls,” mixing a happy Australian sound with a thoughtful singer. Another new band, Royal Landscaping Society shows a more patient, atmospheric approach that isn’t necessarily associated with the label, and may be suggestive of what’s to come. Of course, the anniversary disc isn’t about promoting the new acts. The labels staples do what they do. Bubblegum Lemonade, besides having a name that epitomizes the label, provides “Set the Boy Free,” which epitomizes what they do. Likewise the Math and Physics Club, the Hermit Crabs, and the Catenary Wires put in an appearance, but, more notably, Azure Blue close the disc with their electro-pop. The mix shows the breadth of Matinée’s sound; its roots may be in a Go-Betweens approach, but its artists haven’t stuck to the strictures of the down under sound (or Glaswegian influences). Lining everyone up together makes for a fun little and a nice reminder of the term indie-pop can be simultaneously right on the money and remarkably vague. —Dusted Magazine
I love the compilations from the fabulous indiepop label Matinée Recordings. This time, the release is meant to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the label, and it has been 20 wonderful years. The label has released some of my favourite releases by some of my favourite bands; The Lucksmiths, Bubblegum Lemonade, Clay Hips, Electric Pop Group, Fairways, The Guild League, Hermit Crabs, Math and Physics Club, Pines, Pipas, Would-be-goods… I could probably mention all of their bands as favourites. On this compilation, you can find brilliant songs from The Electric Pop Group, Tinsel Heart, Strawberry Whiplash, The Royal Landscaping Society, Math and Physics Club, The Seabirds, The Hermit Crabs, The Perfect English Weather, Bubblegum Lemonade and more. Few labels release compilations that sound so consistent and all through GREAT, but Matinée Recordings always do. Happy birthday to my favourite label. —Eardrums Music
Our research division revealed that millions of people woke up wondering the same thing we were wondering, which is -- what can be better for an indie pop fan than a new record from Matinée Recordings? Of course, the answer is that nothing is better, but there are various gradations of 'better'. And at or near the top grade is a compilation of songs from Matinée Recordings. And the timing of our research is exquisite, as we have now been graced by just such a compilation, the wonderful Matinée Idols. The occasion is Matinée Recordings' 20th birthday. And not content to wait and see if someone did something special to mark the event, Matinée made their own special compilation of Matinées artists, both long-standing and spanking new. Just for the record, Matinée, we baked you a cake, but tasted it to make sure it was OK to eat and, well, one bite led to another. Maybe for your 30th birthday we'll have more control. The album consists of 14 rare, exclusive or unreleased songs, all of which are more than worthy to be released as singles. Some of our favorite bands, bands which have graced these pages more than once, are represented: The Popguns; Strawberry Whiplash; Bubblegum Lemonade; Math and Physics Club; and The Hermit Crabs among them. So to demonstrate the quality of the record we've selected offerings from bands who have rarely or never been on these pages. So thrill to the superb "Postcard" and "Talk" from Swedes The Electric Pop Group and Tinsel Heart, respectively. "Something Falls" by Last leaves may remind the listener of The Lucksmiths, and since three quarters of that defunct band are in Last Leaves, it is perfectly understandable. Also included below are notable offerings from English band Catenary Wires and The Royal Landscape Society from Spain. We aren't waiting for the marketplace to decide, there is no need. Matinée Idols is a pop classic right out of the gate. —When You Motor Away
Those purveyors of indiepop, Matinée Recordings, celebrate their 20th anniversary by releasing Matinée Idols a compilation featuring both new and established bands on their roster from the States, the UK, Europe and down under. It’s full to the brim of indiepop songs whether guitar or synth driven. There are some great tracks here such as new signings Tinsel Heart with Talk, Last Leaves, who feature ex members of The Lucksmiths with Something Falls, Seabirds who contribute Independent Horses and Game Plan by The Hermit Crabs. Mind you there is not a dull moment here and the highlight for me though is Postcard from Sweden’s The Electric Pop Group and their first new song in four years. It’s the sibling of one of their earlier songs My Only Inspiration and I have been unable to shake the sound of their chiming melodic guitars out of my head. Nor, to be honest, would I want to! Here is to another 20 years! —Records I Like
This Friday, indiepop fans will surely delight in the release of Matinée Idols, a compilation from Matinée Recordings, celebrating 20 years of incredibly hard work (and a huge catalog of hits). The label recently uploaded the entire listen to their soundcloud before its release Friday, June 23rd. One great reason to fall in love is the new signings to the label appearing: Last Leaves, The Royal Landscaping Society and Tinsel Heart. Plus, you’ll find brand new songs from label favorites like Math and Physics Club and The Electric Pop Group. Sit back and revel in the joy of pop music; grab a copy from Matinée! —Austin Town Hall
The Hermit Crabs, Strawberry Whiplash and Bubblegum Lemonade are among the international acts featured on a compilation from US label Matinée Recordings. The California indie is celebrating its 20th anniversary and ‘Matinée Idols’ contains previously unreleased, exclusive, or rare recordings from 14 of its current artists. Other acts include Danish popsters Champagne Riot, fellow Scandics (from Sweden) Tinsel Heart, Australian band Last Leaves (who features several former Lucksmiths), and from Brighton, indiepop legends The Popguns. The album is officially released on June 23 but is available now from the Matinée shop. —Jockrock
Da vent’anni a questa parte, la californiana Matinée è un indiscusso punto di riferimento per gli estimatori dell’indie-pop, che nelle sue produzioni – quasi mai particolarmente copiose – possono trovare garanzia di qualità e coerenza con gli immarcescibili ingredienti di un genere che, pure, spazia tra languori jangly e incursioni elettroniche, fino a episodi di più corposa grana guitar-pop. Di tanto in tanto, l’etichetta è solita proporre compilation che, in pieno stile Rob Fleming, esaltano la quintessenza delle canzoni pop e la conseguente sensibilità nell’accostarle: perché dunque non fare lo stesso per celebrare, fuor di retorica, il compimento dei suoi vent’anni? Ecco allora “Matinée Idols”, raccolta di quattordici brani di band già presenti sul catalogo Matinée, o che vi pubblicheranno a breve, ciascuna delle quali presenta un proprio pezzo inedito (ad eccezione dei Popguns, l’uscita del cui ultimo “Sugar Kisses” è avvenuta pressoché in contemporanea). Il vero e proprio giro del mondo, sulle ali del linguaggio universale del pop, spazia dalla Scandinavia all’Australia, dalla Spagna a Seattle, proponendo un’ampia rassegna collezione di dolcezze melodiche che viaggiano ora sulle ali pulsanti delle tastiere (Champagne Riot, Azure Blue), ora su pennellate di agrodolce romanticismo (The Perfect English Weather, The Catenary Wires). Vi è inevitabile spazio per richiami a una nostalgia temperata appunto attraverso la scrittura delle canzoni, che rimanda all’età dell’oro della Sarah Records (The Electric Pop Group, Math and Physics Club), al twee (The Hermit Crabs) o alle successive esperienze di Bobby Wratten (The Royal Landscaping Society). Menzioni speciali per gli australiani Last Leaves, band che raccoglie precedenti membri dei Lucksmiths, e per l’inesauribile Laz McCluskey, presente con entrambe le sue band, Bubblegum Lemonade e Strawberry Whiplash; il brano di questi ultimi, “Me, My Selfie And I”, è fin dal titolo un vero e proprio manifesto di matura ironia, la stessa che continua ad alimentare il germe dell’indie-pop, nelle tante forme e sensibilità che esso può assumere, fedelmente testimoniate da una raccolta curata con grande passione, il cui contenuto non potrà non soddisfare i palati degli imperterriti estimatori di un genere immeritatamente considerato recessivo. —Music Won’t Save You
El sello californiano Matinée Recordings es uno de mis preferidos cuando hablamos de indie-pop y de twee-pop, la verdad es que desde hace dos décadas se ha ido convirtiendo poco a poco en un lugar de encuentro de grandes bandas, aunque casi siempre valoradas en un circuito muy reducido, a excepción de los americanos Math and Physics Club, los ingleses The Popguns (esta semana comentamos aquí su nuevo disco) o Bubblegum Lemonade que sí han tenido algunos éxitos en los últimos años. Ahora para conmemorar sus 20 años, han sacado un pequeña recopilación con 14 cortes, eso sí, que nadie piense que va a encontrar los grandes éxitos de sus bandas, al contrario han querido sacar a la luz algunas rarezas, grabaciones poco conocidas o caras b, para celebrar estos años. Aparte de las ya citadas nos encontramos a los suecos Tinsel Heart, el pop festivo de Champagne Riot, The Royal Landscaping society, The Catenary Wires o Seabirds, por citar lo más destacado. Un cóctel perfecto para estos primeros días de verano :) —Nebrija Records blog