The Saint Larsen - Middleman

The Saint Larsen - Middleman
- Middleman
After being relatively quiet the last few years, Matinée Recordings has come out this year swinging. First, dropping a Lucksmiths reissue (always a good thing) and now they’ve introduced me to the Saint Larsen, the new project from Stefan Larsen of Northern Portrait. But, while Larsen’s known for his indiepop licks, this first single seems a bit more along the lines of classic songwriting, though spun with that wistfulness I always associated with good indiepop. There’s this slight euphoric twist just after the 3 minute mark that punches this big hook you’re going to want to enjoy. Look for a full length album later in the year! —Austin Town Hall
The Saint Larsen is the new project of Stefan Larsen who you may know as the vocalist and guitarist from Northern Portrait. 'Middleman' is the debut single and Larsen’s distinctive vocals shine as they croon their way through the song. It doesn’t sound like Northern Portrait and is a pop song with its influences rooted in the sixties (think baroque and lounge pop as starting points) and possibly earlier but is given a fresh lick of paint for 21st century listening. 'Middleman' should also appear on the debut album which is provisionally titled 'Show Geezer'. For now you can pick the single up digitally from the label alongside other digital music stores. As for Northern Portrait, their new album 'The Swiss Army' is at the pressing plant. Hopefully more news on that one soon! —Records I Like
Our congratulations to Northern Portrait vocalist and rhythm guitarist Stefan Larsen on his promotion to The Saint Larsen, especially as such designations typically are bestowed posthumously. Although Northern Portrait remains a working band (a new album will be released soon), Stefan has been writing and recording on his own. We only have the one song - "Middleman" - to evaluate, but it suggests that the upcoming album Show Geezer will capture our ears. "Middleman" is a deft bit of songcraft with hints of '60s/70s songwriters Emitt Rhodes and Harry Nilsson. "Middleman" is out now via Matinée Recordings, which also will release the album. —When You Motor Away
Noi siamo qui tutti in attesa del nuovo album dei favolosi Northern Portrait (e la Matinée ci ha fatto capire che è in arrivo, ma non subito) ed ecco la sorpresa che non ti aspetti. Dal nulla saltano fuori i The Saint Larsen, ovvero il progetto solista di Stefan Larsen che dei NP è voce e chitarra. Chitarra in primo piano, voce inconfondibile, melodia deliziosa. Lo spirito è sempre quello dei NP, ma c’è qualcosa di diverso, come se si sentisse che questa è farina del sacco solo di Stefan e non della band al completo. La canzone è ovviamente adorabile, ci mancherebbe altro! —Indie For Bunnies