Ego - The Question Mark EP
matinée 002
/ April 1998

Ego - The Question Mark EP
matinée 002
/ April 1998
Splendid debut 7" from a French four-piece delivering melodic jangle pop à la Go-Betweens, early Orchids, and the Smiths. Three stylish songs with jangling guitars, luscious violins, pianos, and inspired vocals posing questions of lost loves. Following numerous appearances on French indiepop compilations, this EP marks Ego's vinyl debut.
- Do You Want To Be My Love 'til 1998?
- What Am I Supposed To Do?
- Can't You See I Love You?
Matinée, label de Washington, drague sur les plages de la Méditerranée. Il a ainsi levé Ego, groupe montpelliérain à la pop pudique mais ludique, pour un Question Mark EP ou une face B—l’exalté “What Am I Supposed To Do?”—cocufie la gentille banalité pour enthousiamer sans réserve. --Les Inrocktuptibles
This delightful three-song EP from 1998 was the debut release from this French jangle pop band. All three songs surround the topic of love; all are posed as questions. It’s enough to make you feel like a teenager all over again (that is, unless you are a teenager, in which then I’d assume it feels homely). “Will You Love Me ‘Till 1998″ is the A-side at 45 RPM and the track hints of Morrissey and Field Mice with piano and violin and, of course, highly lovable jangly guitars. The two B-sides require a drop to 33 RPM, but I don’t mind. --Fensepost
I am of the opinion that pop music is the contemporary fountain of youth for here I am well into my 20s and I still get goosebumps when I hear such lonely-like loveliness as this bounce of my eardrums. Ego are French, but they must be anglophiles of the highest magnitude as this record is pure english fey. Kinda Smiths like, sorta Field Mice-like, sorta like the Snowbirds but with boys singing. Then comes the croon-y pop of 'Can't You See I Love You?' and you feel the shadow of the Tindersticks (always fan favourites on the continent) billow over you. And the gimmick is that all the songs are questions and as far as gimicks go this one seems pretty harmless, I love it! --Twee Kitten
This ep contains three Morrissey-esque moody songs from these French pop-sters who sing en anglais! All three of the songs on here are delightful, but I can't let this review go without pointing out the song "what am I supposed to do?" specifically. It has this dreamy piano & violin intro that bursts into a scrumptious upbeat head-bopper -- this song is definitely mix-tape material. All the song titles are in question form, and I suppose that's why it's called what it's called. It requires a change of RPM speed from one side to the other, but we'll just have to live with that. --Light Rotation
A great title, considering all 3 songs are questions in and of themselves! Orchestral strings and male-vocals complement the light indiepop from this french combo. --Tone Vendor
Ego have a 3 song 7", The Question Mark EP, and despite the band's name, this isn't big ego music but 80s-ish janglepop that's cute but in the best sense (on the a-side) and on the b-side the guitars are less jangly and there's violin and piano and I think there's a cello there too, so it's not really a cutie thing, but it's still quite an 80s kind of indiepop. --Aquamarine
O segundo lançamento da gravadora é de uma banda francesa chamada Ego. O single se chama "The Question Mark" e contém 3 canções. É o debut da banda. As canções tem em comum o fato de terem todas um título que na verdade é uma pergunta, além de, óbvio, serem um jangle pop contagiante e bastante melódico. Lembra um pouco as bandas indie inglesas do final dos anos 80. Apesar de serem franceses, cantam em inglês. Mesmo assim o encarte vem todo escrito em francês. Ah!, já ia me esquecendo de falar dos encartes. Sim, todo lançamento tem um encarte com um texto de autoria de James Tassos, o homem por trás da Matinée. Os textos falam geralmente da banda em questão e bobeiras em geral. --Esquizofrenia