Slipslide - Sleeptalk
matinée 031
/ November 2001

Slipslide - Sleeptalk
matinée 031
/ November 2001
Follow-up to London trio's successful debut "Four Day Weekend" EP includes new songs "Sleeptalk" and "Six Strings." The A-side is the most immediate song the band has recorded to date, with superbly jangling guitars, farfisa, a tambourine, a bit of reverb and a toe-tapping quotient as high as anything I've heard recently. The flip employs classic 12-string guitar, more tambourines and a slight folky edge reminiscent of the best moments of Shack. The band has started recording its debut album for release on Matinée next year; and if this single is any indication it's going to be a smash.
- Sleeptalk
- Six Strings
This is a bit of a gem, basically. Charming vocals, C86 style melodies and guitars, and a happy, jolly, wonderful sound. An instantly delightful pop song that trundles along with a fey vigour all its own, it's unassuming, charismatic and ideal to dance to. Lovely. The b-side has a bit more substance, with Orange Juice vocals and a few harmonies to boot. Well worth picking up. --Strange Fruit
Slipslide are already responsible for one of the best songs of the year, 'Waiting For The Call' from their debut EP 'Four Day Weekend'. Matinée appeases vinyl purists with this two track follow-up. Slipslide is Graeme Elston who some of you will know as a member of Astronaut (who have recently released an album on the Fierce Panda label, one of Britain's most influential labels) but here he moves towards a sixties influenced sound. Many Matinée artists have their roots in the C86 scene, but Elston is a different kind of songwriter. His are the sort of songs that you can hum in their entirety after only two listens! That is not to say that Slipslide do not appeal to the typical Matinée crowd, only that it adds a little diversity to the label. There is little I can say about the music. It is straightforward pop music, played in a typical mid-sixties style. Elston on this evidence is neither the world's most exceptional singer nor instrumentalist but he can sure as hell pen a catchy tune. And at the end of the day what else matters? This single should remind you of summer in these dark winter months. If you liked Delta's album last year then be sure to buy this single. --Pennyblack Magazine
Quick single with two great new songs from Graeme Elston (Pure, Eva Luna, et al) clocking in at under three minutes each (2:53 each, to be exact). The title track on the A-side is the brand of perfect pop that we all know and come to expect from Graeme. On the flip is a quieter tune, called "Six Strings", with the refrain of "six strings ring out in praise of you". Short and sweet, just like all of his other releases - when will he release anything with more than four songs?! MTQ=2/2 --IndiePages
London's own Slipslide write jangly guitar numbers with accents of farfisa, and lots of tambourine, and has that "we are so happy it hurts, our smiles are huge" way about them. Happy pop numbers that make you feel good. The stand out song on the single is by the b-side "Six Strings." The song reminds me of an early Beautiful South out take. --The Bee’s Knees
Slipslide chart vaguely darker waters with the studied cool of "Sleeptalk". --In Love With These Times In Spite Of These Times
Next up are Slipside, who do a kind of grand chiming guitar and organ number on 'Sleeptalk', and a more acoustic strum on the very lovely 'Six Strings' that builds and stretches its limbs out there on the hearth, catching the last vestiges of warmth from a dying fire. It's all a bit muddy sounding, which might be just my run down record deck, or might be intentional, but it's fine by me because it sounds Just Right, like a daydream beamed into my Saturday morning from fifteen years ago, making my spine creep and jangle. --Tangents
More of that classic jangle pop from Matinée. Two superb pop tunes. --Dagger
There is a certain spectrum of the pop continuum for which, no matter how intently you slog through the thesaurus, you'll find no strong, powerful descriptors; such music, while pleasing, rarely inspires passionate interest. Slipslide, following in the grand tradition of Del Amitri, The Ocean Blue and vast blur of others, makes songs that can't help but make you smile (though you'll forget why you smiled fifteen minutes later), mixing lovelorn -- but never whiny -- lyrics with catchy melodies built from acoustic and electric guitars and subtle but effective keyboard foundations. "Sleeptalk" and its B-Side, "Six Strings", are, like all of Slipslide's material, jangly aural comfort food. The title tune is essentially a kinder, friendlier version of the Romantics' "Talking In Your Sleep" -- a cuddlier and altogether less scandalous tune than that dubious classic. "Six Strings" is more anthemic and Smiths-y by virtue of its vigorously-strummed acoustic guitar and lilting vocals, though Slipslide frontman Graeme Elston comes off as happier, less self-absorbed and far more psychologically sound than Mr. Morrissey. Both songs are the musical equivalent of chocolate mousse -- light, airy and delightfully rich, yet without the degree of substance necessary to play a serious role in your diet. --Splendid
The follow-up is a 7" with Sleeptalk (basically good old fashioned indiepop, but with a hint of the 60s about it) and Six Strings (vaguely Brighter-ish indiepop meets folk). Even better than the previous EP. --Aquamarine
Hey, it's Suede! They're back with a new 7 inch!!! It's a bit more jangly than their usual stuff, less glam too. Still, they have that undeniable Englishness that makes that so very cuddly. What? It's not Suede talking about saying things in your sleep? Geez. Well, perhaps it's good they're not Suede, because while cheeky, this is pretty unpretentious pop-rock as English as the monarchy. There's a thousand other bands just like this, but hey, a lot of them are good, so you might want to give it a look-see. --Shredding Paper
Graeme Elston é o nome por trás do Slipslide. Breve história: ele começou a tocar no início de 1990, inspirado pela C86, New Order e Orange Juice. Formou o Love Parade com alguns amigos, lançou dois singles e depois, com nova formação, mudou o nome para Pure, que também lançou dois singles, para também mudar de formação e nome, dessa vez para Eva Luna, que por sua vez lançou 4 singles, sendo que o último saiu em 1995. Ufa! Rápido e rasteiro. Em todas as bandas é o próprio Graeme quem compõe e faz os vocais, o que torna o som do Love Parade/Pure/Eva Luna bem parecido, algo como o encontro de Byrds com Go-Betweens e uma pitada de guitarras barulhentas no caso do Eva Luna. No final da década de 90 Graeme dedica-se a tocar baixo no combo pós-britpop Astronaut, que tem seus discos lançados pela Fierce Panda (que lançou os primeiros singles do Coldplay, Placebo e outros grandes nomes do rock inglês). Em 2001 Graeme volta a compor faixas próprias. Chama os amigos do Astronaut para ajudá-lo e pronto, temos mais uma banda, dessa vez chamada de Slipslide. O primeiro single do Slipslide se chama "Four Day Weekend" e conta com 4 faixas que vão de "The Airport Song", menos de dois minutos, com um violão que parece ser de 12 cordas e pandeiro fazendo o ritmo. A voz cheia de personalidade de Graeme faz a diferença e dá o tom a mais numa faixa que poderia ser uma balada qualquer, mas é muito mais que isso. As outras são levemente mais upbeat e trazem aquele climinha melancólico de inverno, que surge quando temos que andar sozinhos por ruas vazias, com o vento gelado esfriando a ponta do nariz e a sensação de que uma leve garoa pode cair a qualquer momento. O single foi lançado pela Matinée em 2001, mas cairia como uma luva no catálogo da Sarah Records dez anos antes. O segundo single, lançado somente em vinil, se chama "Sleeptalk" e conta com 2 faixas. A canção-título tem guitarras levemente distorcidas, dedilhados e teclado, além de belíssima melodia e ritmo upbeat. Dá até pra dançar. Lembrou-me Delta, Simpático, Shack... já o lado B é mais lento, talvez pela ausência de batidas, mas igualmente empolgante, talvez por nos fazer lembrar os melhores momentos do Brighter. --Esquizofrenia
Ik heb het even nageteld: er staan inmiddels dertien recensies van het Matinée-label op de website, en die zijn alle dertien behoorlijk raak. Misschien niet allemaal middenin de roos, maar gene van allen er erg ver vanaf en dat maakt Matinée tot een van de leukste labels van het moment. Misschien moeten we maar stoppen met het opnemen van Matinée-recensies, want deze steekproef doet sterk vermoeden dat gewoon alle releases op het label goed zijn. Ook deze single (hun tweede) van Slipside is behoorlijk goed. De jaren '80-indiepop van het Londense trio behoort niet tot het allerbeste op het label, maar als dit tot je mindere releases behoort dan zit je als label erg goed. --Think Small