Azure Blue - Millions Of Stars
/ May 2019

Azure Blue - Millions Of Stars
/ May 2019
Love hurts. It’s a universal truth and has not passed unnoticed by our musical lone wanderer Azure Blue. The fresh single 'Millions of Stars' from the forthcoming album 'Images of You' takes the catharsis of the amorous dilemma of giving all with no holding back and builds the track up for a firework consisting of 32 voices of custom made analog synth arpeggios and one of the biggest crescendos we’ve heard from the artist’s decade of productions. Forever blue. But deeply in love. Get ready to get your hearts squashed when the album drops in June.
- Millions Of Stars
- The Rose
Matinée Recordings is releasing an 11-track album by the Swedish band Azure Blue led by Tobias Isaksson called “Images of You”. We can preview two tracks from the album, “Millions of Stars” and “Shine On” and both are gorgeous dreamy pop. Definitely one not to miss! --Cloudberry Cake Proselytism
Azure Blue is the solo project of Tobias Isaksson, a Swedish musician who takes whimsical indie tones and more robust electronica elements to create a light, engaging sound that is sure to enthral the listener. There’s a brisk, folkish quality to the 'Millions Of Stars' melody, reinforcing the sensation that the song is a trip back to a more innocent but emotional time for Isaksson and for us. You can hear some early 80s synthpop influences breaking through in the arrangement, but again that folk ambience gives it a more warm and emotive feeling. Think Yazoo, New Order and shades of his own previous bands Laurel Music and Irene, sprinkled with that wonderful Scandinavian ‘happysad’ lyrical and musical vibe Nordic musicians do so well, 'Millions Of Stars' is a delicious treat. --Analogue Trash
Azure Blue, the project of Swedish musician Tobias Isaksson, has caught our attention in the past with his tracks “The Rose,” & “Shine On.” Isaksson has a knack for releasing dream-laden 80s new wave with his own stamp and that is very much the case on his lush and confident new offering “Millions Of Stars,” taken from his upcoming new album Images of You. Enjoy a listen to the lovely “Millions Of Stars” and stay tuned for more from the album very soon. --We All Want Someone To Shout For
Soon, Swedish synth pop master Azure Blue will release new album Images of You. But that feature is a few days away, so we thought it might be useful, or at the least, highly pleasurable, to feature the band's two-track single Millions Of Stars. The second and final single taken from the upcoming album, it features "Millions Of Stars" and album closer, "The Rose". This artist's music invariably radiates romance and positive vibes, making it part of your essential soundtrack. --When You Motor Away
Uno de los proyectos más interesantes del inquieto artista sueco Tobias Isaksson, además de Lauren Club e Irene, es Azure Blue, que lleva acumulados cuatro exitosos álbumes desde 2011 y anuncia el quinto, Images of you (2019), donde regresa a sus raíces más románticas con un tema tan cautivador y catártico como Million of stars. Suaves y evocadores sintetizadores de esencia ochentera, ecos de Bryan Ferry y New Order, una cálida voz y una emocionante lírica nos transportan sin remedio en este acertado ejercicio de estilo. Belleza. --Velvety Blog
Periodo di grande fermento in casa Matinée Recordings e quindi fuochi d’artificio in termini di uscite che non possiamo non segnalare con grande gioia. Proprio oggi esce il nuovo singolo di Azure Blue, che lancia le sue anticipazioni sull’imminente album “Images Of You”, atteso a giugno. Il nuovo singolo si chiama “Milions Of Stars” ed è una delizia synth-pop, avvolgente e iper romantica. --Indie for Bunnies